Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Lesson 1: Loading the clicker

Thanks to Robin Menard of Gentle Giants Rescue and Training!

This wonderful woman and I have a very similar belief that there are SO many animals in shelters and rescues because of lack of training, socialization, and simply lack of a dog being made a member of the family.  We hope by sharing some simple education and training methods, we can prevent MANY more dogs from ending up in shelters.

Day 1-3: Loading the clicker
This simply involves click and treat. Click and treat. Do this about 20 times twice a day. Do it before a meal when your dog will be more food motivated and not lose interest.  The smaller the treat, the better so they can get it down quick - helpful later on. Cat pounce treats, tiny pieces of hot dog, or tiny pieces of turkey or cheese work best.

By the 3rd day, pause very briefly after the click to see if they look for the treat.  If they seem to be expecting a treat, you have successfully loaded the clicker!

KEY NOTE: DO NOT click without a treat!! This will cause confusion!

Both Titus and Patches seemed to be expecting a treat by the end of day 2, so we are very excited to move forward.

Stay tuned!

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