Friday, April 6, 2012

KU COMS Team Fundraiser

Once again, we have a wonderful group of KU Students working to raise money for the rescue.  The money raised will be split between caring for puppies and a building/facility fund. They will be having a car wash on Saturday, April 14th oops! SUNDAY, April 15th at CVS at 23rd and Iowa St from 12 noon to 4 p.m.  They will also be collecting old towels and blankets to be used for the care of the dogs and puppies.

If you are unable to go get your car washed and would still like to donate, you can do it through this link.
Thank you so much for your contribution!


  1. Car wash is sunday April 15th from noon to 4pm!

    1. Thanks Hilary! I was a little confused when Andrew kept saying the 14th!
